From Oslo to Iraq and the roadmap

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Bloomsbury 2004 Innbundet

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The essays in this book were written between the end of 2000 and early 2003. They offer Edward Said's commentary on the deepening crisis in the Middle East: pre 9/11, to the bombing of the World Trade Center, through to Afghanistan and the early days of the war in Iraq. This collection is filled with the eloquence, anger and the immense humanity for which Said was so loved and admired. Urgent, thought-provoking and troubling, it gives us a valuable perspective of the events of the last few years.

Omtale fra forlaget

The essays in this book were written between the end of 2000 and early 2003. They offer Edward Said's commentary on the deepening crisis in the Middle East: pre 9/11, to the bombing of the World Trade Center, through to Afghanistan and the early days of the war in Iraq. This collection is filled with the eloquence, anger and the immense humanity for which Said was so loved and admired. Urgent, thought-provoking and troubling, it gives us a valuable perspective of the events of the last few years.


Forlag Bloomsbury

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780747573432

EAN 9780747573432

Omtalt sted Midtøsten

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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