From life to death in iron age and medieval Vinjefjord

unveiling burial practices, settlement and landscape history

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Cappelen Damm forskning 2024 Innbundet

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Archaeological excavations in 2019 and 2020 at Vinjefjord in Central Norway uncovered extensive evidence of settlements and graves from societies that thrived in this region during the Iron Age, the Viking Age, and the medieval period. Set against the backdrop of the fjord, the area revealed a rich culturalhistorical development including shifts in settlement patterns, burial and ritual practices, increased influence through trade and communication, and varying impacts on the natural and cultural landscape. In this anthology, we investigate the physical remains of Vinjefjord’s past, including remnants of settlements, buildings, traded and plundered goods, botanical evidence, as well as cemeteries with graves, grave goods, textiles, and signs of interactions with the deceased. The results of our studies reflect the intertwined threads of life and death in past societies, emphasizing the close relationship between the living and the dead. The book aims to engage scholars and enthusiasts alike, while also appealing to the curious public. Raymond Sauvage (b. 1979) is an archaeologist at the NTNU University Museum in Trondheim. He led the archaeological excavations along the E39 in Vinjefjord. His research interests include Early Medieval and Viking Age studies, with a particular focus on mortuary practices and settlement studies.


Forlag Cappelen Damm forskning

Utgivelsesår 2024

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788202852153

EAN 9788202852153

Omtalt tid Middelalderen

Språk Engelsk

Sider 257

Utgave 1

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