From above and below

man and the sea

av (forfatter).

2013 Innbundet

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Ranging from the arctic to the tropics, from largescale views of Australias barrier reef to close-up images of sea turtles, "From Above and Below" is a compelling, entirely unique journey through a fascinating world. Some 200 spectacular aerial images by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and striking underwater photographs by Brian Skerry offer a top-to-bottom tour of the worlds oceans, while the enlightening text covers the seas critical mechanisms, from currents to food chains. Inspiring interviews of some of the worlds most respected researchers and activists also offer cutting-edge insight into the many challenges, such as over-fishing and pollution, facing the oceans today. Exploring the critical and ever-evolving relationship between mankind and the ocean, "From Above and Below" is an unforgettable portrait of the global issue of sustainable development.


Utgivelsesår 2013

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780500516904

EAN 9780500516904

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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