Foundations of World Wide Web programming with HTML and CGI

av (forfatter), Mark Gaither (forfatter), Sebastian Hassinger (forfatter) og Mike Erwin (forfatter).

IDG Books 1995 Heftet

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The Web foundations will arm the reader with pointers to online resources and other sources of information, so that he can tackle just about any kind of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programming project. The book includes a CD-ROM that cotains all the code included in the book, as well as a broad collection of public domain and shareware tools, libraries, and ready-torun CGI programs. Includes index.

Omtale fra forlaget

The Web foundations will arm the reader with pointers to online resources and other sources of information, so that he can tackle just about any kind of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programming project. The book includes a CD-ROM that cotains all the code included in the book, as well as a broad collection of public domain and shareware tools, libraries, and ready-torun CGI programs. Includes index.


Forlag IDG Books

Utgivelsesår 1995

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781568847030

EAN 9781568847030

Språk Engelsk

Sider 648

Utgave 1

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