Formal theories of rights

av (forfatter).

Juristforbundets Forlag 1996 Heftet

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Based on a study of formal theories of rights developed by the Swedish logician Stig Kanger, the author, using formal logic, seeks for a clarification of the logical relations between "rights" and other normative notions such as "obligation", "permission", "power", and "immunity". Furthermore, an analysis is given of the foundation of Kanger's explication. The author also discusses the possibilities for applying the formal theories to analysis of legal and political statements and to specification and development of computer applications. With a bibliography.

Omtale fra forlaget

Based on a study of formal theories of rights developed by the Swedish logician Stig Kanger, the author, using formal logic, seeks for a clarification of the logical relations between "rights" and other normative notions such as "obligation", "permission", "power", and "immunity". Furthermore, an analysis is given of the foundation of Kanger's explication. The author also discusses the possibilities for applying the formal theories to analysis of legal and political statements and to specification and development of computer applications. With a bibliography.


Forlag Juristforbundets Forlag

Utgivelsesår 1996

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788278330159

EAN 9788278330159

Språk Engelsk

Sider 295

Utgave 1

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