Forces of nature

av (forfatter) og Andrew Cohen (forfatter).

2017 Heftet

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Sunday Times BestsellerHow did life on Earth begin? What is the nature of space and time? What are the chances that we will discover life on other worlds?Think you know our planet?Think again.Forces of Nature takes you from the mid-Atlantic ridge in Iceland, the volcanoes of Indonesia and the precipitous cliffs in Nepal, to the manatees off the coast of Florida and the northern lights of the Arctic, in search of the fundamental laws that govern our world.These universal laws shape everything, from the structure of snowflakes to the elegant spirals of the galaxies. By seeking to understand the everyday world - the colours, structure, behaviour and history of our home - we can step beyond the everyday and approach the Universe beyond.


Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780008210038

EAN 9780008210038

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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