Flirting with Pete

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Pocket Books 2004 Heftet

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Casey Ellis has arrived at a lonely place in her life. Her mother remains in a comatose state several years after a terrible accident - and now her father has died. Although Casey didn't really know him, she learns that he has left her his beautiful townhouse in Boston. She is of half a mind to sell it, but then she visits the townhouse and finds it enchanting. Yet always in Casey's mind is the question of why her father chose to acknowledge her in this way. Sensing that he had an ulterior motive, she searches the house and finds the first part of a manuscript. Convinced the story is true - even more, that her father has left this manuscript as a message for her - Casey sets out to find the rest of the pages and to finally come to understand her father's past.

Omtale fra forlaget

Casey Ellis has arrived at a lonely place in her life. Her mother remains in a comatose state several years after a terrible accident - and now her father has died. Although Casey didn't really know him, she learns that he has left her his beautiful townhouse in Boston. She is of half a mind to sell it, but then she visits the townhouse and finds it enchanting. Yet always in Casey's mind is the question of why her father chose to acknowledge her in this way. Sensing that he had an ulterior motive, she searches the house and finds the first part of a manuscript. Convinced the story is true - even more, that her father has left this manuscript as a message for her - Casey sets out to find the rest of the pages and to finally come to understand her father's past.


Forlag Pocket Books

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780743489607

EAN 9780743489607

Omtalt sted Boston

Språk Engelsk

Sider 487

Utgave 1

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