Five Steps To Happy

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Orion Publishing Co 2019 Innbundet

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Forlag Orion Publishing Co

Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781409184560

Språk Engelsk

Sider 288

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About this book
When struggling actress Heidi has a life-changing accident aged 32, her world falls apart. Stuck in hospital and unable to walk, her only companion is Maud, the elderly lady in the bed next to hers. Heidi misses her flatmate, her life, her freedom - surely 32 is too young to be an amputee?

But when Maud's aloof but attractive grandson Jack pays a visit to the ward, Heidi realises that her life isn't over just because it's different. It might not look like the life she dreamed of, but it's the one she's got - and there's a lot she still wants to tick off her bucket list. With Jack at her side, will Heidi take the first step back to happiness? Or is there one more surprise still in store...?

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"Start small, build your confidence and a new path or direction will follow"

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