
the remarkable story of Darwin's captain and the invention of the weather forecast

av (forfatter) og Mary Gribbin (forfatter).

Review 2004 Heftet

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Robert FitzRoy was one of the nineteenth century's greatest seamen. In 1831, he embarked on an epic journey round the world as the captain of HMS Beagle, bringing with him a young naturalist, Charles Darwin. Their discoveries during the five-year voyage led to Darwin's revolutionary theory of evolution. FitzRoy was appointed the second Governor of New Zealand, and later became the founding director of the Meteorological office, where his work helped make the life of all sailors who came after him much safer.

Omtale fra forlaget

Robert FitzRoy was one of the nineteenth century's greatest seamen. In 1831, he embarked on an epic journey round the world as the captain of HMS Beagle, bringing with him a young naturalist, Charles Darwin. Their discoveries during the five-year voyage led to Darwin's revolutionary theory of evolution. FitzRoy was appointed the second Governor of New Zealand, and later became the founding director of the Meteorological office, where his work helped make the life of all sailors who came after him much safer.


Forlag Review

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780755311828

EAN 9780755311828

Omtalt tid 1800-tallet

Omtalt person Robert FitzRoy

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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