Fire and ice

classic Nordic cooking

av (forfatter) og Stefan Wettainen (foto).

Ten Speed Press 2018 Innbundet

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Bringing the best of Scandinavian home-cooking into your kitchen, Fire and Ice: Classic Nordic Cooking offers over 100 delicious recipes that showcase this region's most beloved sweet and savory dishes.
Scandinavia is a region of extremes-where effortlessly chic design meets rugged wilderness, and perpetual winter nights are followed by endless days of summer-and Fire and Ice proves that Scandinavian cuisine is no exception. Founding editor of Gastronomica and the West's leading culinary authority on the cuisines of the European North, Darra Goldstein explores the rich cultural history and culinary traditions of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. From the bold aroma of smoked arctic char to the delicate flavor of saffron buns, and from the earthy taste of chanterelle soup to the fragrant aroma of raspberry-rose petal jam, this beautifully curated cookbook features over 100 inspiring and achievable recipes that introduce home cooks to the glorious and diverse flavors of Nordic cooking.


Forlag Ten Speed Press

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781607746102

EAN 9781607746102

Omtalt sted Norden

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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