Field study

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Vintage 2005 Heftet

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From the author of The Dark Room comes a strikingly powerful collection of stories exploring themes of guilt, love and sacrifice with a haunting emotional precision. With a range of settings as diverse as the Scottish seaside and post-Communist eastern Germany Seiffert uses the locations of these stories to bring her characters into relief. Powerfully evoking our human need for connection, Field Study takes us on journeys that demonstrate both the fragility and adaptability of our emotions, as well as the vast potential for danger and vulnerability created by all types of love - familial, platonic or romantic. Seiffert isolates and captures not only the underlying and compelling sorrow of love, but also the joy and desire for that love that keeps us alive.

Omtale fra forlaget

From the author of The Dark Room comes a strikingly powerful collection of stories exploring themes of guilt, love and sacrifice with a haunting emotional precision. With a range of settings as diverse as the Scottish seaside and post-Communist eastern Germany Seiffert uses the locations of these stories to bring her characters into relief. Powerfully evoking our human need for connection, Field Study takes us on journeys that demonstrate both the fragility and adaptability of our emotions, as well as the vast potential for danger and vulnerability created by all types of love - familial, platonic or romantic. Seiffert isolates and captures not only the underlying and compelling sorrow of love, but also the joy and desire for that love that keeps us alive.


Forlag Vintage

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780099461784

EAN 9780099461784

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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