Fatal Return

An Action-Adventure Thriller

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Weston Publishing Enterprises 2012 Kindle Edition

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Forlag Weston Publishing Enterprises

Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Kindle Edition

Språk Engelsk

Sider 183

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When an eccentric billionaire hires Jake Sands, a maritime history professor, to give the farewell speech for the Queen Mary's last voyage, Jake readily accepts the offer, not knowing he will be sucked into a fatal plot for revenge that began in WWII with a disaster five times more deadly than the Titanic.

1945-A shipwreck of epic proportions leaves a young boy in possession of one of the darkest secrets of the Third Reich.

2012-A billionaire, obsessed with revenge, prepares at a long-lost science facility near Cape Horn for a diabolical and unimaginable event that will shock the world.

Long Beach, California-The famous cruise ship, the Queen Mary, prepares for her final voyage-but nothing is as it seems. At the ship's farewell gathering, maritime historian Jake Sands spots a face from his past, and it could only mean one thing-a catastrophe at sea.

When Jake Sands agrees to deliver a speech at the farewell ceremony for an iconic cruise ship, he thinks that he and his beautiful assistant Ashley are moving into the big leagues on the speaking circuit. They are whisked around in a limousine, enjoy five star accommodations, and look forward to cashing in on the lucrative referrals that are sure to follow. For an unknown shipwreck and survival expert like Jake, this is a dream come true, but he should have remembered what his stepfather taught him long ago—things are not always what they seem.

When Jake learns that Charles Richter is not selling the famous luxury liner to Asian buyers as he was originally told he discovers that he is caught up in a dark, twisted plot with no way out. Now Jake must take the law into his own hands to stop the unthinkable. He must reach back into his own past and use skills that he learned from his stepfather, a heavily-decorated tough as steel former Navy Seal. He must rediscover the first rule of survival—win or die. Come back alive.

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