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Pan Books 2002 Heftet

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Nell Dysart is living a too small life in a too small apartment. Her marriage is finished, her career is in limbo, and she feels she has the sex appeal of a skeletal giraffe. But things might be about to change, for Nell has landed a job at a down-and-out detective agency with huge potential for redecoration and a boss who looks easy to manage. A quick spot of dachshund napping, blackmail and embezzlement later and Nell can scarcely believe her life was ever dull. But when somebody starts killing people and unproffesional sex becomes a sticky situation, she starts to wonder just how many more thrills a woman's life can withstand.

Omtale fra forlaget

Nell Dysart is living a too small life in a too small apartment. Her marriage is finished, her career is in limbo, and she feels she has the sex appeal of a skeletal giraffe. But things might be about to change, for Nell has landed a job at a down-and-out detective agency with huge potential for redecoration and a boss who looks easy to manage. A quick spot of dachshund napping, blackmail and embezzlement later and Nell can scarcely believe her life was ever dull. But when somebody starts killing people and unproffesional sex becomes a sticky situation, she starts to wonder just how many more thrills a woman's life can withstand.


Forlag Pan Books

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330482424

EAN 9780330482424

Genre Romantikk Politi og detektiver Krim

Språk Engelsk

Sider 565

Utgave 1

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