Faith at work

loving your neighbor, building society

av (forfatter).

Proklamedia og Zebr Institute 2022 E-bok

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Estimates show that about seventy percent of children who grow up in active Christian families opt out of church and church life in adulthood. Research indicates that one of the reasons is a lack of connection between faith, work and community involvement.
How do we build communities in our congregations that foster a faith that endures through all the phases of life, yet which is an innovative faith that gives courage and initiative to take the lead in creating a good society - for all?

This book challenges the reader to think more holistically about the Church's mission to be 'salt and light' in the twenty-first century, and is intended as inspiration to break out of the isolation and retreat that can easily result in the face of our highly secular, modern societies.


Forlag Proklamedia Zebr Institute

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format E-bok

ISBN13 9788271996703

EAN 9788271996703

Omtalt sted Norge

Språk Engelsk

Sider 205

Utgave 1

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