Facets of archeology

essays in honour of Lotte Hedeager on her 60th birthday

av (redaktør), Julie Lund (redaktør) og Christopher Prescott (redaktør).

Unipub forlag 2008 Heftet

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The book includes 44 articles about contemporary archaeology (prehistoric, classical and historical), anthropology and other disciplines, and is written in honour of Lotte Hedeager on her 60th birthday. With tabula gratulatoria.

Omtale fra forlaget

Professor Lotte Hedeager, one of Scandinavia's most prominent archaeologists, turned 60 on February 24, 2008. Many colleagues felt that this called for a festschrift in her honour! When the editing board invited Lotte's many colleagues to contribute an article in her honour, they felt that a festschrift should allow writers more freedom, a bit more leeway for the thoughts and ideas that do not always fit the constraints of traditional academic publishing. In the invitation to contribute to this volume the editors expressed the ambition of assembling "... a collection of very special articles from friends - articles that are a bit daring, original, entertaining and humorous. Articles that reflect Lotte!". 47 colleagues, friends and former students have contributed 44 articles to this book entitled Facets of archaeology. Essays in honour of Lotte Hedeager on her 60th birthday. The articles are in one of the Scandinavian languages or English, and deal with a wide range of themes within contemporary archaeology (prehistoric, classical and historical), anthropology and other disciplines.


Forlag Unipub forlag

Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788274773349

EAN 9788274773349

Serie Oslo arkeologiske serie (10)

Omtalt person Lotte Hedeager

Språk Bokmål Flerspråklig Engelsk Dansk Svensk

Sider 599

Utgave 1

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