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Tom Keely has lost his way, and now, middle-aged and jobless he finds himself holed up in a flat at the top of a grim high-rise, looking down on the world he's fallen out of love with. He is determined to cut himself off, until one day he runs into some neighbours: a woman he used to know when they were kids, and her introverted young boy, Kai. The encounter shakes him up in a way he doesn't understand and, despite himself, Keely lets them in. As Keely's fascination and love for Kai develops he is drawn deeper into their world, and into their troubled and dangerous past. What follows is a heart-stopping, ground-breaking novel for our times -- funny, confronting, exhilarating and haunting -- populated by unforgettable characters. Eyrie asks how, in an impossibly compromised world, we can ever hope to do the right thing.


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781447253488

EAN 9781447253488

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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