Explore the americas

discover 60 fantastic travel experiences

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Lonely Planet 2018 Innbundet

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Ice trekking in Argentina. Salsa dancing in Cuba. Road-tripping the USA. We present 60 of the most exciting travel experiences across North, Central and South America, from adrenaline-pumping thrills and breathtaking natural wonders to cultural icons, wildlife watching and romantic getaways. With Lonely Planet's Explore the Americas, you'll discover great escapes, thrilling adventures, voyages of discovery and man-made and natural wonders stretching all the way from Canada to Argentina. Let Lonely Planet be your guide for exploring this beautiful and vibrant part of the world - and be inspired to plan your next or first adventure to the Americas.
Experiences include:
Cycle Prince Edward Island
Find an island idyll in the Great Bear Rainforest
Watch orcas from a kayak in British Columbia
Journey through Mark Twain's USA
Cruise the Mississippi to New Orleans
Trace the life of Amelia Earhart
Mountain bike Moab's Slickrock Trail
Hear mountain music in the Appalachians

Hike the rainforests of St Lucia
Live like James Bond in Jamaica
Make like a pirate in Nassau
Mexico & Central America:

Climb volcanoes in Nicaragua
Plunge into the caves of Belize
Let the kids go wild in Costa Rica
South America:

Cruise Argentina's Patagonian Highway
Escape to Ecuador's cloud forest
Drift down the Amazon river
Motorbike Che Guevara's diaries
Enter the lost world of Mount Roraima


Forlag Lonely Planet

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781787014299

EAN 9781787014299

Serie Lonely planet

Språk Engelsk

Sider 272

Utgave 1

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