Explain for me AI

100+ good questions and as many short answers

av (forfatter).

Technorocks AS 2024 Heftet

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This book is a sort of encyclopedia about AI for teenagers. I have simply collected the latest 100+ questions asked by my kids, and answered them here as best I could. Future versions of the book may include more questions.

The book is primarily intended for teenagers, but I suspect it may be just as useful for grownups from any industry and background, who are wondering about this mystical thing called AI that everyone is talking about but very few understand. It is a hype, but it will change everything. It will change the way we work, the way we learn, the way we communicate. And it will challenge us in new ways. In order to be a part of this transformation of our society, it is important to understand the fundamental forces and be proactive. You can't stop the wave, but you can learn to surf.

The questions are ordered by any principles, and there are more than a few techy questions and answers - that's just how we talked about this subject. You can pick and choose the questions that are interesting to you. For every answer there is a short analogy, a story that can help you remember the dry and boring facts. And for every story there is an illustration, to make your reading and thinking sweeter.

A short note on the illustrations. I have included short stories, or analogies, next to every answer as I believe that it is stories we remember, not facts. But my kids like pictures. If you can see it, you can build it, we say in the world of technology. And if you add a bit of weirdness and wonder to the images, you have a basis for great conversations and discussions. So my four children have helped illustrate this book, with help of MidJourney, and inspired by Banksy. My kids are, at the moment of this writing, 11, 13, 14 and 17, two girls and two boys. The images vividly represent their different personalities, ages and views on the world. I let them play and got out of the way. If you are still not convinced that AI can be a great tool for creativity, you should try this yourself, with your own kids. Anyway - I hope you enjoy these images as much as I do. Go forth and create.

As you see, I couldn't stop at 100 questions, as was the original intention. The more we talked, the more they asked. At some point we had to stop and send the book to print and to the world, but AI won't stop growing and fascinating. Therefore I am happy to continue growing this book. Would you like to include more questions? Please send them to hello@explain4.me. I'll try to answer as best I can, and include them in the future versions of this book.


Forlag Technorocks AS

Utgivelsesår 2024

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788269359817

EAN 9788269359817

Språk Engelsk

Sider 292

Utgave 1

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