Edvard Munch pop-ups

av (forfatter) og Courtney Watson McCarthy (forfatter).

Munch 2022 Innbundet

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Edvard Munch was one of Modernism's most significant artists. He was active throughout more than sixty years; from the time he made his debut in the 1880s, right up until his death in 1944. Munch was part of the Symbolist movement in the 1890s, and a pioneer of expressionist art from the beginning of the 1900s onward. His tenacious experimentation within painting, graphic art, drawing, sculpture, photo and film has given him a unique position in Norwegian as well as international art history. For the first time you can experience Munch's most famous works of art as 3D pop-ups. The book showcases The Women on the Bridge, Woman with Poppies, The Building of the Winter Studio, Children in the Forest, The Yellow Log and the iconic Scream accompanied by explanatory texts and sketches by Munch.

.The sheer effortlessness of Ersland's prose allows his words to move wherever they like - through images, into Munch's life and out into the world." Karl Ove Knausgaard


Forlag Munch

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788293560357

EAN 9788293560357

Omtalt person Edvard Munch

Språk Engelsk

Sider 18

Utgave 1

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