
special needs education

av (redaktør) og Miriam Skjørten (redaktør).

Unipub forlag 2007 Heftet

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This book is an introductory anthology focusing on some important aspects of inclusion. It highlights the promotion of the variety of different individual resources and possibilities and focuses on different needs for support within the frames of the family, in the ordinary inclusive school and in the local community. It examines barriers to relevant support and to learning and development in the local community, the school and the classroom and in children, young persons and adults. An underlying assumption of this book is that development towards inclusion is dependent upon the ordinary school and classroom being a meeting place for ordinary and special needs educational knowledge and skills. The book represents a first attempt to meet a growing need for literature in English, describing and discussing the principle of inclusion in both a Norwegian and a wider context. It is written for international students in higher education in Norway and other countries. It is also written for co-operating partners in research as well as in practical work on all levels of education and sectors of social work and cultural activities, and for those who are genuinely interested in the international inclusion discourse. The contributors are researchers from the Department of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo. They are all engaged in lecturing for the international Master of Philosophy in Special Needs Education and in collaboration projects with fellow researchers and fieldworkers on the African, Asian and American continents and in the whole of Europe.


Forlag Unipub forlag

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788274770768

EAN 9788274770768

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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