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Times Books 2010 Hardcover

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Forlag Times Books

Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Hardcover

ISBN13 9780805090567

Språk Engelsk

Sider 272

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Begin with the most boring word in the political lexicon: infrastructure. It doesn't arouse passion - it's not like gay marriage, where everyone enjoys the pleasure of knowing they are right.

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You couldn't sell your old house - but you really couldn't sell your old Explorer. Suddenly, in fact, you felt a little less confident that you were an Explorer, a Navigator, a Forester, a Mountaineer, a Scout, a Tracker, a Trooper, a Wrangler, a Pathfinder, a Trailblazer. You all of a sudden were in Kansas or maybe in New Rochelle - not Durango, or Tahoe, or Denali, or the Yukon. Discovery and Escape and excursion suddenly seemed less important than the buzz-killing fact that it took a hundred bucks to fill the tank.

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