Doomsday Testament

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Corgi Books 2011 Paperback

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Forlag Corgi Books

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780552164801

Språk Engelsk

Sider 512

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1937, Hitler sent an expedition to Tibet in search of the lost land of Thule. 1941, Heinrich Himmler spent a huge fortune, and sacrificed the lives of hundreds of concentration camp prisoners, to turn Wewelsburg Castle in Germany into a shrine to the SS. Art recovery expert Jamie Saintclair thought he knew his grandfather, but when he stumbles upon the old man's lost diary he's astonished to find that the gentle Anglican clergyman was a decorated hero who had served in the Special Air Service in World War Two. And his grandfather has one more surprise for him. Sewn in to the endpaper of the journal is a strange piece of Nazi symbolism. This simple discovery will launch him on a breathless chase across Europe and deep into Germany's dark past. There are some who will kill to find that which is lost, and although he doesn't know it, Saintclair holds the key to its hiding place.

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