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Orbit 2004 Heftet

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Here comes the sun: The sun rises late, dirty and so badly in need of a service it's a wonder it gets up at all. The moon's going to be scrapped soon and a new one commissioned, but they've been saying that for years. All is not well with the universe, and it's because the mortals are running the show. It's time for a Higher Power to take charge. Odds and gods: It's a god's life at the Sunnyvoyde Residential Home for retired deities. Everlasting life can be a real drag when all you've got to look forward to is cauliflower cheese on Wednesdays. But things are about to change, because those almighty duffers Thor, Odin and Frey have restored a thousand-year-old traction engine, and the thing actually works.

Omtale fra forlaget

Here comes the sun: The sun rises late, dirty and so badly in need of a service it's a wonder it gets up at all. The moon's going to be scrapped soon and a new one commissioned, but they've been saying that for years. All is not well with the universe, and it's because the mortals are running the show. It's time for a Higher Power to take charge. Odds and gods: It's a god's life at the Sunnyvoyde Residential Home for retired deities. Everlasting life can be a real drag when all you've got to look forward to is cauliflower cheese on Wednesdays. But things are about to change, because those almighty duffers Thor, Odin and Frey have restored a thousand-year-old traction engine, and the thing actually works.


Forlag Orbit

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781841491455

EAN 9781841491455

Genre Fantastisk litteratur Humor

Språk Engelsk

Sider 614

Utgave 1

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