Dissecting Marilyn Manson

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Plexus 2000 Heftet

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Forfatteren foretar en kulturell obduksjon av de påvirkninger som har skapt Marilyn Manson. Tekst og bilder lager en patologisk utklippsbok som utforsker Manson-myten på en irrelevant men autoritær måte.

Omtale fra forlaget

dissecting#11;MARILYN MANSON
Marilyn Manson is more than a mer rock star - he is a cultural phenomenon. He has created a phantasmal world of freaks irresistible to a generation of disaffected youth, while generating unprecedented controversy and protests from conservative Christian organisations. In Dissecting Marilyn Manson author Gavin Baddley performs a cultural autopsy, examining the seminal influences and psycotic sources that have created this fascinating Frankenstein's monster. With its heavy visual approach, the text and pictures form a pathological scrapbook that explore the Mason mythos in an irreverent but deeply authoritative manner.
Each chapter explores a different facet of the Manson persona, with its corresponding influences and obsessions: the cultural archetypes - murderer Charles Manson and sex kitten Marilyn Monroe - that gave birth to Marilyn Mason; Satanism, and the dominant shadows of Anton LaVey and Aleister Crowley; childhood fears and subversive pre-teen fantasies; the gothic and industrial music subcultures; the Internet; science fiction; drugs and desease; cross-dressing and glam rock; sexual fetishes and sadomasochism; fascist imagery and the philosophy of Nietzsche; hallucinatory cinema, and Marilyn Manson's Holy Wood film project.
Gavin Baddeley is an expert on the occult, rock music and trash culture, and is the author of the critically acclaimed Lucifer Rising: Sin, Devil Worship & Rock 'n' Roll. Like Marilyn Manson, he was presented with an honorary priesthood of the Church of Satan by founder Anton La Vey.


Forlag Plexus

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780859652834

EAN 9780859652834

Omtalt sted USA

Omtalt person Marilyn Manson

Språk Engelsk

Sider 176

Utgave 1

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