
av (illustratør) og Lily Murray (forfatter).

Big Picture Press 2017 Innbundet

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Welcome to the museum that is always open to explore... Step inside the pages of this beautiful book to discover galleries of dinosaurs, expertly curated to bring you the experience of a fascinating exhibition from the comfort of your own home.Dinosaurium features a wide range of dinosaurs from the most-loved Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex to lesser-known species such as Coelophysis and Tsintaosaurus. With stunning artwork from Chris Wormell (known for the cover of H is for Hawk and his picture books including George and the Dragon) and informative text with input from experts in palaeontology, Dinosaurium is the perfect gift for anyone with an interest in this fascinating field.Welcome to the Museum is a series of beautifully illustrated, stunningly curated, informative books for all ages.

From Animalium and Botanicum to Historium and Dinosaurium there is a book for everyone to discover and explore.


Forlag Big Picture Press

Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781783707928

EAN 9781783707928

Serie Welcome to the museum

Språk Engelsk

Sider 112

Utgave 1

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