Diary of a Void

av (forfatter), Lucy North (oversetter) og David Boyd (oversetter).

Vintage Publishing 2022 Paperback

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Forlag Vintage Publishing

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9781787302945

Språk Engelsk

Sider 224

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Description from bookdepository:

'One of the most intriguing new novels of the summer.' Independent

For the sake of women everywhere, Ms Shibata is going to pull off the mother of all deceptions...

A prizewinning, thrillingly subversive debut novel from a new star of Japanese fiction, perfect for readers of Convenience Store Woman and Breasts and Eggs

'Always expect the unexpected when you're not expecting.' Sloane Crosley

'Darkly funny and surprisingly tender.' Kirsty Logan

As the only woman in her office, Ms Shibata is expected to do all the menial tasks. One day she announces that she can't clear away her coworkers' dirty cups - because she's pregnant and the smell nauseates her. The only thing is . . . Ms Shibata is not pregnant.

Pregnant Ms Shibata doesn't have to serve coffee to anyone. Pregnant Ms Shibata isn't forced to work overtime. Pregnant Ms Shibata can rest, watch TV, take long baths, and even join an aerobics class for expectant mothers. But she has a nine-month ruse to keep up. Before long, it becomes all-absorbing, and with the help of towel-stuffed shirts and a diary app that tracks every stage of her 'pregnancy', the boundary between her lie and her life begins to dissolve.

Diary of a Void will keep you turning the pages to see just how far Ms Shibata will go.

Translated from the Japanese by David Boyd and Lucy North

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