Development and environment

practices, theories, policies

av (redaktør) og Kenneth Bo Nielsen (redaktør).

Akademika 2012 Heftet

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Combining a broad range of theoretical and disciplinary approaches, this anthology explores the complex relationship between development and environment today. At a time when continuing recession in the West and the rapid growth of India and China have decoupled questions of environmental sustainability from the presumably more 'pressing' concern with rejuvenating economic growth, this volume aims to counter the reduction of development to economic growth. This book covers the field of development and environment in the broadest possible sense. What unites the contributions is a shared concern that there is a pressing need to revisit recurrent themes in the field, using novel methodological and theoretical approaches that emphasize the centrality of social practice.


Forlag Akademika

Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788232100330

EAN 9788232100330

Språk Engelsk

Sider 313

Utgave 1

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