Detective story

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2008 Innbundet

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As readers, we are accustomed to reading stories of war and injustice from the victims' point of view, sympathizing with their plight. In "Detective Story," the tables have been turned, leaving us in the mind of a monster, as Nobel Laureate Imre Kertesz plunges us into a story of the worst kind, told by a man living outside morality. Now in prison, Antonio Martens is a torturer for the secret police of a recently defunct dictatorship. He requests and is given writing materials in his cell, and what he has to recount is his involvement in the surveillance, torture, and assassination of Federigo and Enrique Salinas, a prominent father and son whose principled but passive opposition to the regime left them vulnerable to the secret police. Preying on young Enrique's aimless life, the secret police began to position him as a subversive and then targeted his father. Once this plan was set into motion, any means were justified to reach the regime's chosen end--the destruction of an entire liberal class. Inside Martens's mind, we inhabit the rationalizing world of evil and see firsthand the inherent danger of inertia during times of crisis. A slim, explosive novel of justice railroaded by malevolence, "Detective Story" is a warning cry for our time.

Omtale fra forlaget

As readers, we are accustomed to reading stories of war and injustice from the victims' point of view, sympathizing with their plight. In "Detective Story," the tables have been turned, leaving us in the mind of a monster, as Nobel Laureate Imre Kertesz plunges us into a story of the worst kind, told by a man living outside morality. Now in prison, Antonio Martens is a torturer for the secret police of a recently defunct dictatorship. He requests and is given writing materials in his cell, and what he has to recount is his involvement in the surveillance, torture, and assassination of Federigo and Enrique Salinas, a prominent father and son whose principled but passive opposition to the regime left them vulnerable to the secret police. Preying on young Enrique's aimless life, the secret police began to position him as a subversive and then targeted his father. Once this plan was set into motion, any means were justified to reach the regime's chosen end--the destruction of an entire liberal class. Inside Martens's mind, we inhabit the rationalizing world of evil and see firsthand the inherent danger of inertia during times of crisis. A slim, explosive novel of justice railroaded by malevolence, "Detective Story" is a warning cry for our time.


Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780307266446

EAN 9780307266446

Genre Spenning

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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