Dennis Hopper

photographs 1961-1967

av (illustratør), Victor Bockris (forfatter), Walter Hopps (forfatter) og Jessica Hundley (forfatter).

2011 Innbundet

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This title presents the many worlds of Dennis Hopper. A reluctant icon captures a decade of cultural transformation. During the 1960s, Dennis Hopper carried a camera everywhere - on film sets and locations, at parties, in diners, bars and galleries, driving on freeways and walking on political marches. He photographed movie idols, pop stars, writers, artists, girlfriends, and complete strangers. Along the way he captured some of the most intriguing moments of his generation with a keen and intuitive eye. A reluctant icon at the epicenter of that decade's cultural upheaval, Hopper documented the likes of Tina Turner in the studio, Andy Warhol at his first West Coast show, Paul Newman on set, and Martin Luther King during the Civil Rights March from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. From a selection of photographs compiled by Hopper and gallerist Tony Shafrazi - more than a third of them previously unpublished - this extensive volume distills the essence of Hopper's brilliantly prodigious photographic career. Also included are introductory essays by Tony Shafrazi and legendary West Coast art pioneer Walter Hopps, and an extensive biography by journalist Jessica Hundley. With excerpts from Victor Bockris's interviews of Hopper's famous subjects, friends, and family, this volume is an unprecedented exploration of the life and mind of one of America's most fascinating personalities. After our limited and art editions, this book is now available in an unlimited trade edition.


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9783836527262

EAN 9783836527262

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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