Democracy, peace, development

av (forfatter) og Paul D. Scott (forfatter).

Kolofon og Transcend University Press 2008 Heftet

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Denne boken er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom statsviteren Johan V. Galtung og historikeren Paul D. Scott, hvor de utforsker ideer og idealer knyttet til demokratibegrepet, og sammenhengen disse har til fred og utvikling. Boken har to deler. Første del gir en teoretisk innføring, og andre del drøfter begrepene sett i lys av saksstudier fra Asia og USA.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book, jointly authored by Johan V. Galtung and Paul D. Scott, explores the ideas and ideals of democracy as they relate to peace and development. Part II examines the triad of peace, democracy and development through the lens of case studies from Asia. The United States is included as illustrative that these points are not confined to the so-called developing world. If the reader gets the impression that the issues form a complex wilderness, then one element of the intention behind the book has been achieved. The other element is the effort to show that there are ways out of that wilderness. This depends on how we conceive of democracy itself. Democracy by fair and free elections, is important but this aspect must not be a fixation or a fetish. If also democracy is viewed as a way of handling conflicts nonviolently then it is more directly related to peace, and to development, as a compact ensuring basic needs and basic rights. These aspects of democracy do not exclude each other, nor do they automatically guarantee each other. Together they give much hope for humanity in the quest of democracy, peace and development. Johan V. Galtung, born 1930 in Oslo, Norway, lives in Spain, France, Japan and the USA and is mainly engaged in mediation and research. He founded TRANSCEND: A Network for Peace and Development in 1993, and was the first rector of the TRANSCEND Peace University 2003-2007. Paul D. Scott, born 1950 in New York City has spent most of his life in Asia. He lives in Kyoto. He serves as a Steering Committee member of the Alliance for Reform and Democracy in Asia (ARDA), is co-founder of the Asia Law Network, is the Project Director of the Asia Democracy Index, and an experienced election observer. This is the second publication from TRANSCEND University Press after Johan V. Galtung, 50 Years 100 Peace & Conflict Perspectives, see, also for orders.


Forlag Kolofon Transcend University Press

Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788230004609

EAN 9788230004609

Serie Publications from Transcend University Press (2)

Språk Engelsk

Sider 303

Utgave 1

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