Decades of fashion

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H.F. Ullmann 2007 Heftet

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Denne boken gir et innblikk i 100 års motehistorie. Alle trendene fra 1900-tallet blir dokumentert gjennom bilder og bildetekster. Den tar for seg moteikoner som Grace Kelly, Jackie Onassis og Twiggy, samt designere som Coco Chanel og Alexander McQueen. Boken presenterer catwalk-mote så vel som hverdagsmote. Med register.

Omtale fra forlaget

Decades of Fashion documents the styles of the twentieth century in extraordinary photographs - a fascinating insight into 100 years of fashion history. - The great forerunners of fashion and the classics - Icons of style like Grace Kelly, Jackie Onassis, and Twiggy - The top designers, from Coco Chanel to Alexander McQueen - Includes both haute couture and pret-a-porter - The most important fashion developments of the twentieth century in brilliant images from the Getty Images collection The glamour of the 30s and the extremes of the 80s, from the corsets of the belle epoque to the caftans of the 70s, this book presents an impressive array of images depicting the world of fashion in the twentieth century. Chanel's jersey suits, Dior's "new look", Mary Quant miniskirts or Alaias stretch bodysuits: they have all had an impact on everyday dress, as well. In addition to the great designers, prominent role models like Marlene Dietrich or Madonna have initiated new trends. Even political events have repercussions for fashion, and this book places many fashion fads in their historical context.
Decades of Fashion has captured the realm of fashion in hundreds of photographs that show not only designer creations on the catwalk, but also everyday style. Brilliant pictures encompassing every area of life and a wide range of situations tell the fascinating history of fashion.


Forlag H.F. Ullmann

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9783833150197

EAN 9783833150197

Omtalt tid 1900-tallet

Språk Engelsk

Sider 779

Utgave 1

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