Death by Hollywood

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Bloomsbury 2004 Heftet

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One evening, spying on his Hollywood Hills neighbours through his USD 4,000 electronic telescope, Bobby witnesses a beautiful woman making love to a handsome Latin actor called Ramon. As their pillow talk turns ugly, Bobby watches in horror as the woman appears to bludgeon her lover to death with his own acting trophy. Instead of rushing to the cops, Bobby decides to find out more about the events that led up to the crime, and to use the material for his next movie screenplay. However, when he sneaks into the actor's apartment, the discovery he makes changes his life for ever.

Omtale fra forlaget

One evening, spying on his Hollywood Hills neighbours through his USD 4,000 electronic telescope, Bobby witnesses a beautiful woman making love to a handsome Latin actor called Ramon. As their pillow talk turns ugly, Bobby watches in horror as the woman appears to bludgeon her lover to death with his own acting trophy. Instead of rushing to the cops, Bobby decides to find out more about the events that led up to the crime, and to use the material for his next movie screenplay. However, when he sneaks into the actor's apartment, the discovery he makes changes his life for ever.


Forlag Bloomsbury

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780747574422

EAN 9780747574422

Genre Krim

Omtalt sted Los Angeles

Språk Engelsk

Sider 274

Utgave 1

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