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Sceptre 2004 Heftet

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Grania O'Neill lives in a world of silence. A secret and protected world of coded conversations with her sister, conveyed through the tug of a rope, a world of reading lips, of separateness, of not belonging. It is only when she is sent away to the Ontario school for the deaf that she discovers a new world of friends who share a silence like her own. When Jim Lloyd, a young hearing man, enters her life, he is at once drawn to her stillness and her beauty. Together they explore their love through sign and sound and silence. But the Great War is exploding across Europe. Just two weeks after their wedding Jim has to leave home to serve as a stretcher-bearer. At the battlefields he finds a world of unforgiving noise, violence and death.

Omtale fra forlaget

Grania O'Neill lives in a world of silence. A secret and protected world of coded conversations with her sister, conveyed through the tug of a rope, a world of reading lips, of separateness, of not belonging. It is only when she is sent away to the Ontario school for the deaf that she discovers a new world of friends who share a silence like her own. When Jim Lloyd, a young hearing man, enters her life, he is at once drawn to her stillness and her beauty. Together they explore their love through sign and sound and silence. But the Great War is exploding across Europe. Just two weeks after their wedding Jim has to leave home to serve as a stretcher-bearer. At the battlefields he finds a world of unforgiving noise, violence and death.


Forlag Sceptre

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780340833322

EAN 9780340833322

Omtalt tid 1900-1945

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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