Deadly Crossing (A Tom Dugan Novel)

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R.E. McDermott 2014 Kindle Edition

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Forlag R.E. McDermott

Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Kindle Edition

Språk Engelsk

Sider 296

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A phone call. A common enough event, sometimes welcome, sometimes annoying, but seldom life changing. Or so we assume. But assumptions are dangerous things, and the reality is we all live one phone call away from disaster. One cheerful ring away from news of a tragic accident. One muted buzz from learning a lifetime of memories have disappeared in a raging house fire.

And so it is for Tom Dugan, rolling though the London night, the woman he loves in the taxi beside him. Life is good by any measure -- until his phone rings, alerting him to the arrival of two old Russian friends with a very big problem.

Dugan's attempts to help his friends rescue an innocent girl from the Russian mob plunge him into a world he'd scarcely imagined, endangering him and everyone he holds dear. A world of modern day slavery and unspeakable cruelty, from which no one will escape, unless Dugan can weather a Deadly Crossing.

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