Dark horse

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Bantam Books 2003 Heftet

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In a trailer in a Florida swamp, a kidnapper is demanding a ransom no one can pay. Now the race is on to save a young woman down to her last hope: an ex-cop who has already lost it all, not once, but twice. A lifetime ago detective Elena Estes worked the mean streets living by her wits. Now she lives on the ragged edge of lost hope. She has no interest in a new career, and no desire to break her self-imposed exile. But the more she learns about the Palm Beach horsey set Erin Seabrighth was involved in before the young woman disappeared, the more the long-dormant cop instinct come back to life.

Omtale fra forlaget

In a trailer in a Florida swamp, a kidnapper is demanding a ransom no one can pay. Now the race is on to save a young woman down to her last hope: an ex-cop who has already lost it all, not once, but twice. A lifetime ago detective Elena Estes worked the mean streets living by her wits. Now she lives on the ragged edge of lost hope. She has no interest in a new career, and no desire to break her self-imposed exile. But the more she learns about the Palm Beach horsey set Erin Seabrighth was involved in before the young woman disappeared, the more the long-dormant cop instinct come back to life.


Forlag Bantam Books

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780553840438

EAN 9780553840438

Genre Thrillere

Omtalt sted Sørøstlige stater

Språk Engelsk

Sider 557

Utgave 1

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