Crystal kingdom

the kanin chronicles 3

av (forfatter).

2015 Heftet

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In this stunning series of love, loss and the need to belong, Amanda Hocking returns to the world of her bestselling Trylle trilogy with the heart-stopping Crystal Kingdom. With help from the Trylle clan, Bryn tries to clear her name and discover who was really responsible for the Kanin King's murder. Then, while she's still trying to make sense of it all, Ridley tracks her down while she's on the run for a crime she didn't commit.

He refuses to abandon her, so she finally decides that she wants to be with him. Together, they return to the Kanin capital and rally other trackers and the King's Guard to defend their kingdom from the villain within. But in the process, Bryn learns a startling truth about her former enemy.

Brynn's loyalty is still to her kingdom, but will she be rewarded with a place in the royal guard - and who will ultimately win her heart?


Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781447256892

EAN 9781447256892

Serie The Kanin Chronicles (3)

Genre Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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