Crown jewel

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Pocket Books 2005 Heftet

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Ricky Lam had it all, a thriving film career, the adoration of countless fans, incredible wealth, and a cocaine and alcohol problem. Luckily, he also had a business manager, his straight-arrow older brother Philip. When tragedy strikes, erasing Ricky's dreams of winning Philip's forgiveness, Ricky resets his priorities. He turns his back on Hollywood, invites his two illegitimate sons into his life, hoping to become a real father to them, and dedicates himself to his brother's dream, the construction of a unique resort in South Carolina called the Crown Jewel. But when Ricky steps into his brother's shoes he encounters unsettling surprises and contradictions, as well as an amazing woman, his sister-in-law Roxy Lam.

Omtale fra forlaget

Ricky Lam had it all, a thriving film career, the adoration of countless fans, incredible wealth, and a cocaine and alcohol problem. Luckily, he also had a business manager, his straight-arrow older brother Philip. When tragedy strikes, erasing Ricky's dreams of winning Philip's forgiveness, Ricky resets his priorities. He turns his back on Hollywood, invites his two illegitimate sons into his life, hoping to become a real father to them, and dedicates himself to his brother's dream, the construction of a unique resort in South Carolina called the Crown Jewel. But when Ricky steps into his brother's shoes he encounters unsettling surprises and contradictions, as well as an amazing woman, his sister-in-law Roxy Lam.


Forlag Pocket Books

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780743457804

EAN 9780743457804

Språk Engelsk

Sider 391

Utgave 1

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