Crosses to Bear (Vatican Knights Book 6)

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Hive Collective 2014 Kindle Edition

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Forlag Hive Collective

Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Kindle Edition

Språk Engelsk

Sider 273

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In a Galveston, Texas lab, a lethal strain has been stolen by a terrorist faction.

In New Mexico, the population of a small town is completely wiped out.

In Las Vegas, a vicious underground clan called the Community surfaces at night to prey on the weak.

In Paris, two old foes of Kimball Hayden reunite as a kill team to hunt him down.

Now considered dead by the Vatican, Kimball Hayden is leading a secretive life living on the streets of Las Vegas. But when a parish comes under the threat of a vicious mob, he finds himself thrown back into a world of violence.

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