Coyote rising

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Orbit 2005 Heftet

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This book is the dramatic sequel to Coyote, the story of Earth's first extra-solar colonists. The starship Alabama, bound for the new world of Coyote, was hijacked by it's crew in a desperate bid for freedom from the repression of a post-US world order on earth. They then had to flee their homes with the arrival of a new batch of colonists, this time ruled by a repressive government embodying all of Earth's problems and prejudices. Now, the iron-fisted colonial governor is building a bridge to exploit the virgin territory where the Alabama's crew are believed to have resettled. But a movement is underway to reclaim Coyote for those who truly love freedom-a full-scale rebellion in which the men and women on both sides of the fight will learn the true price of liberty. This is the second book in the Coyote-trilogy.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book is the dramatic sequel to Coyote, the story of Earth's first extra-solar colonists. The starship Alabama, bound for the new world of Coyote, was hijacked by it's crew in a desperate bid for freedom from the repression of a post-US world order on earth. They then had to flee their homes with the arrival of a new batch of colonists, this time ruled by a repressive government embodying all of Earth's problems and prejudices. Now, the iron-fisted colonial governor is building a bridge to exploit the virgin territory where the Alabama's crew are believed to have resettled. But a movement is underway to reclaim Coyote for those who truly love freedom-a full-scale rebellion in which the men and women on both sides of the fight will learn the true price of liberty. This is the second book in the Coyote-trilogy.


Forlag Orbit

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781841493688

EAN 9781841493688

Genre Science fiction

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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