Country music

av (forfatter) og Paul Kingsbury (forfatter).

Penguin 2006 Innbundet

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

The book will take you on an emotional journey from humble folk roots to the billion-dollar industry of today. If you've been red hot and rarin' to go to Nashville's Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum now you can, through the best images and memorabilia from its archives. Charting the extraordinary country music story, discover the classic recordings, memorable radio, live performances, key producers and performers like Johnny Cash, Tammy Wynette and Ray Charles, as well as the seminal moments and events, from Hank Williams' last ride to Bob Dylan's Nashville recording sessions. Crank up the CD player, tip back and enjoy a whole lot of easy-reading.

Omtale fra forlaget

The book will take you on an emotional journey from humble folk roots to the billion-dollar industry of today. If you've been red hot and rarin' to go to Nashville's Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum now you can, through the best images and memorabilia from its archives. Charting the extraordinary country music story, discover the classic recordings, memorable radio, live performances, key producers and performers like Johnny Cash, Tammy Wynette and Ray Charles, as well as the seminal moments and events, from Hank Williams' last ride to Bob Dylan's Nashville recording sessions. Crank up the CD player, tip back and enjoy a whole lot of easy-reading.


Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781405309691

EAN 9781405309691

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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