Cool hotels


av (forfatter).

teNeues 2004 Heftet

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This book is an extensive compilation of the most contemporary hotels in North, Central, and South America, all of which have been chosen because they represent the best in innovative design. Copiously illustrated with hundreds of colour photographs of hotels designed by renowned figures such as Todd Oldham, Ernesto Goransky, and David Rockwell and accompanied by illuminating sketches as well as explanatory texts and captions, this book is a colourful tour of lodging at the cutting edge.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book is an extensive compilation of the most contemporary hotels in North, Central, and South America, all of which have been chosen because they represent the best in innovative design. Copiously illustrated with hundreds of colour photographs of hotels designed by renowned figures such as Todd Oldham, Ernesto Goransky, and David Rockwell and accompanied by illuminating sketches as well as explanatory texts and captions, this book is a colourful tour of lodging at the cutting edge.


Forlag teNeues

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9783823845652

EAN 9783823845652

Serie Designpocket

Omtalt sted Amerika

Språk Flerspråklig Fransk Engelsk Tysk Spansk

Sider 399

Utgave 1

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