Cooking in Marfa

welcome, we've been expecting you

av (forfatter) og Rocky Barnette (forfatter).

Phaidon Press 2020 Innbundet

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A treasure trove of essays, recipes, and images exploring the people and food of Marfa and its premier restaurant, The Capri Cooking in Marfa introduces an unusual small town in the West Texas desert and, within it, a fine-dining oasis in a most unlikely place. The Capri excels at serving the spectrum of guests that Marfa draws, from locals and ranchers to artists, museum-board members, and discerning tourists. Featuring more than 80 recipes inspired by local products, this is the story of this unique community told through the lens of food, sharing the cuisine and characters that make The Capri a destination unto itself.


Forlag Phaidon Press

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781838660499

EAN 9781838660499

Omtalt sted Sørlige Sentralstater

Språk Engelsk

Sider 256

Utgave 1

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