Cooking for friends

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2011 Heftet

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TV's most famous chef, Gordon Ramsay, throws open the doors to his home and reveals what he cooks, away from the frantic pace of his restaurant kitchen, in a relaxed domestic setting. Retaining all of his trademark excitement and passion for food, bestselling Cooking for Friends is packed with simple, seasonal, modern British recipes.Now in paperback, Gordon gathers together over 100 inspiring recipes that everyone will enjoy cooking and sharing, perfect for a celebratory dinner with friends or simple Sunday night suppers. Learn how to quickly and easily whip up delicious Chorizo, Broad bean and Mint Couscous, Scallop Brochettes with Coriander and Chilli Butter, Smoked Salmon and Horseradish Cream Tarts and Toffee and Chocolate Steamed Pudding.Recipes that extol the virtues of supporting local producers and farmers' markets, which can be cooked with seasonal fresh ingredients that haven't travelled miles to reach our plates and which celebrate the wealth of regional dishes available to us from Cornish Crab Soup to Bakewell Tarts.With chapters covering Hot and Cold Soups; Pasta and Grains; Fish and Shellfish; Meat and Poultry; Pies and Tarts; Vegetables and Salads; Puddings and Ices and Coffee and Chocolate, each recipe delivers stunning results.


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007382781

EAN 9780007382781

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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