
time's tapestry

book two

av (forfatter).

2007 Heftet

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Interweaving the stories of ordinary people caught up in momentous events CONQUEROR tells the story of a desperate battle to keep alive a prophecy kept by the last Roman left alive in the shadows of Hadrian's wall. The prophecy tells of an invasion by dragons a new Christian king and the establishment of an Aryan empire that will last 10,000 years. It is a story that begins in 600Ad and ends with the crowning of a new king at Westminster in 1066. In the years in between the prophecy is handed down through the centuries. It is hidden away by the monks at Lindisfarne, lost in a Viking raid, found again. From desperate rivalries amongst the monks at Lindisfarne, to the terror of the Viking raids against Northern England to vicious intrigues at the courts of Harold and William the Bastard CONQUEROR charts the progress of a bid by the mysterious Weaver to influence the past from the far future. This is a fast moving historical thriller that casts a bright light onto a shadowy period of British history and brings it to vibrant life. Steeped in blood and violence this was also a time of artistic endeavour, a time of nation building and law-giving. And it is a time of chance, where history can be shaped by the Weaver ...

Omtale fra forlaget

Interweaving the stories of ordinary people caught up in momentous events CONQUEROR tells the story of a desperate battle to keep alive a prophecy kept by the last Roman left alive in the shadows of Hadrian's wall. The prophecy tells of an invasion by dragons a new Christian king and the establishment of an Aryan empire that will last 10,000 years. It is a story that begins in 600Ad and ends with the crowning of a new king at Westminster in 1066. In the years in between the prophecy is handed down through the centuries. It is hidden away by the monks at Lindisfarne, lost in a Viking raid, found again. From desperate rivalries amongst the monks at Lindisfarne, to the terror of the Viking raids against Northern England to vicious intrigues at the courts of Harold and William the Bastard CONQUEROR charts the progress of a bid by the mysterious Weaver to influence the past from the far future. This is a fast moving historical thriller that casts a bright light onto a shadowy period of British history and brings it to vibrant life. Steeped in blood and violence this was also a time of artistic endeavour, a time of nation building and law-giving. And it is a time of chance, where history can be shaped by the Weaver ...


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780575076747

EAN 9780575076747

Genre Science fiction

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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