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Chartwell Books 1999 Innbundet

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Boka tar for seg kaffens historie, gir detaljerte beskrivelser av forskjellige typer kaffe og presenterer de foretrukne måtene som fins for å tilberede og drikke kaffe rundt om i verden.

Omtale fra forlaget

The wonderful aroma of freshly brewed coffee is familiar to us all and its rich flavour and ability to wake us up have ensured its popularity around the globe. A staggering variety of tastes is now available, depending on where the beans were grown, the manufacturing process used, and the way in which the coffee is brewed and served.Coffee is a thorough account of this excellent drink. Fully illustrated, it examines coffee's history and culture, the spread of trade in the beans throughout the world, the plantations, and the careful way in which the beans are processed for the consumer. Complete with a history of coffee and detailed descriptions of many different types, this book presents the preferred methods for making coffee around the world. From the large bowls of milky coffee served at breakfast in France to the intensity of Italian espresso, it offers advice on how to brew the perfect cup as well as more unusual preparations such as flavoured coffees, Espresso Romano - espresso with a twist of lemon - or Caffe Mocha - one third espresso, another of steamed milk, and one of hot chocolate.It also offers a listing of the best coffees from around the world. From Jamaica to Sumatra it gives details of who manufactures them, the flavour to expect, and where to buy them. Coffee is an indispensable guide for those who take their coffee seriously!


Forlag Chartwell Books

Utgivelsesår 1999

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780785810582

EAN 9780785810582

Språk Engelsk

Sider 96

Utgave 1

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