Cisco network design handbook

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Mis:Press 2000 Heftet

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With this book you can analyze network design options, choose the right hardware and software and implement and secure the network. With index.

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On-the-Job Cisco Networking SolutionsYour organization wants a proposal for the new networking project - now. Sound familiar? Cisco Network Design Handbook is the book that will bail you out - a one-stop nuts-and-bolts reference that puts all the options at your fingertips. Superbly organized and packed with crystal-clear advice, it's the one book you'll refer to again and again as you design and configure your network.
Your One-Stop Guide for:. Choosing a network topology. Selecting a network technology. Assessing routing protocol options. Sorting through protocol suite options. Understanding Cisco-specific and other protocol options. Choosing network hardware. Selecting network software. Testing and implementing a network. Maintaining a network


Forlag Mis:Press

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780764546969

EAN 9780764546969

Serie The ultimate shop manual

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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