Cinema volta

weird science and childhood memory

av (forfatter).

Voyager 1995 CD-rom

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

This CD-ROM is a reverie about electricity and its transforming power. In twelve stories artist and narrator Petrillo looks at the divers accomplishments and strange lives of great inventors of the 19th century: Allessandro Volta, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Samuel Morse and Nicola Tesla. Petrillo places these discoveries in a profoundly humanistic context: the history of Sicily, the lives of Shelley and Byron, Joyce's love letters to Nora, the cave paintings of Lascaux, Frankenstein, and the artist's own childhood memories.

Omtale fra forlaget

This CD-ROM is a reverie about electricity and its transforming power. In twelve stories artist and narrator Petrillo looks at the divers accomplishments and strange lives of great inventors of the 19th century: Allessandro Volta, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Samuel Morse and Nicola Tesla. Petrillo places these discoveries in a profoundly humanistic context: the history of Sicily, the lives of Shelley and Byron, Joyce's love letters to Nora, the cave paintings of Lascaux, Frankenstein, and the artist's own childhood memories.


Forlag Voyager

Utgivelsesår 1995

Format CD-rom

ISBN13 9781559405577

EAN 9781559405577

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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