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Headline 2003 Heftet

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Writer Ivan Connor is desperate. His publisher has turned down his wonderful new novel, his agent is out of ideas, and the only person to turn up at his latest reading is his mum. He's deeply jealous of the marketable Francesca Brady, a successful author of fat romantic books for fat romantic people. He's also living at home since his marriage broke up, and he's just collected the wrong child from school. But one night Connor stumbles on a route back to the top, via a beautiful model, two deranged psychopaths, a multi-million-pound publishing fraud, true love and utter heartbreak.

Omtale fra forlaget

Writer Ivan Connor is desperate. His publisher has turned down his wonderful new novel, his agent is out of ideas, and the only person to turn up at his latest reading is his mum. He's deeply jealous of the marketable Francesca Brady, a successful author of fat romantic books for fat romantic people. He's also living at home since his marriage broke up, and he's just collected the wrong child from school. But one night Connor stumbles on a route back to the top, via a beautiful model, two deranged psychopaths, a multi-million-pound publishing fraud, true love and utter heartbreak.


Forlag Headline

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780755302468

EAN 9780755302468

Omtalt sted England

Språk Engelsk

Sider 346

Utgave 1

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