Change and continuity in public sector organizations

essays in honour of Per Lægreid

av (redaktør) og Harald Sætren (redaktør).

Fagbokforlaget 2009 Heftet

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In focusing on change and continuity in public sector organizations this book attempts to combine two fields of study that are generally treated separately: organization theory and political science. The latter is represented mostly by the sub-discipline public administration and also to some extent normative political theory. The book is written in honour of Per Lægreid. With tabula gratulatoria and bibliography.

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In focusing on change and continuity in public sector organizations this book attempts to combine two fields of study that are generally treated separately: organization theory and political science. The latter is represented mostly by the sub-discipline public administration and also to some extent normative political theory. This synthetic approach is more common in Scandinavia than elsewhere. The book is written in honour of Per Lægreid, and includes contributions from some of his academic colleagues across the world. Among the authors are Geert Bouckaert, Tom Christensen, Morten Egeberg, Anne Lise Fimreite, Robert Gregory, John Halligan, Bengt Jacobsson, Werner Jann, James G. March, Johan P. Olsen, Ove K. fPedersen and Per Selle. All chapters provide theoretical, empirical, normative and/or prescriptive analyses of change and continuity in public sector organizations, applied to different institutional and regional contexts. Paul G. Roness and Harald Sætren are both professors at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen. «Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations is much more than a well-deserved festschrift to a highly competent scholar. The book is a celebration of how new institutional theory in organizational analysis can inform the study of administrative reorganization, comparative public management reform and the democratic basis of public sector organizations striving to perform better in today s complex public sector.» - Carsten Greve, Public Management Review


Forlag Fagbokforlaget

Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788245007541

EAN 9788245007541

Omtalt person Per Lægreid

Språk Engelsk

Sider 345

Utgave 1

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