Change agents

an interprofessional book about children with disabilities in Tanzania and Norway

av (redaktør), Mariana Josephat Makuu (redaktør) og Atle Ødegård (redaktør).

Scandinavian University Press 2023 Heftet

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What knowledge and skills are needed to be more inclusive and to give children with disabilities a better quality of life in Tanzania and Norway? Professional helpers, such as teachers, social educators [vernepleiere, Norwegian], and social workers are agents of change in this interprofessional and intercultural field. Students and staff involved in international exchange projects, such as with The Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC), are also agents of change in this field. Whether academics or practitioners, they all emphasize the need for a new and updated knowledge across many well-established research fields due to the children's needs and human rights, theoretical perspectives and research approaches as well as the implications for education and practice. The book's target group is broad, encompassing researchers, students as well as practitioners in the global south and north. The chapters are written by international researchers and professionals working in education, health, and social work in Tanzania and Norway. Several of the chapters are the result of a collaboration between Tanzanian and Norwegian authors, and collaboration is an important subject in the book. Change Agents can be read as a whole as well as individual chapters. The book and the individual, scientific chapters have been peer-reviewed.


Forlag Scandinavian University Press

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788215057897

EAN 9788215057897

Språk Bokmål

Sider 287

Utgave 1

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